Idaho IceWorld, located at 7072 S. Eisenman Road, Boise, ID 83716, is Idaho's premier indoor family ice skating and entertainment center. We offer adult and youth hockey leagues, figure skating programs, Learn-To-Skate and Learn-To-Play Hockey programs and public skating sessions.
Ice Rinks
Idaho IceWorld features two NHL Regulation-Sized Ice Rinks (85' x 200'). The ice rinks are accommodating to all hockey, figure skating and public skating programs. Both rinks are equipped with custom scoreboards and time clocks visible from the ice as well as the stands.
The Jack City Fitness Rink allows for patron seating up to 600 in the bleachers. Patron viewing for the BradyPLUS Rink will accommodate up to 250 people.
The City of Boise has secured a multi-year, dual rink sponsorship with Jack City Fitness and Brady Plus. The North Rink on the scheduling monitor as Brady Plus and the Main Rink is now called Jack City Fitness. When entering IceWorld from the main entrance, visitors will also see that the rinks have been renamed. There is additional sponsorship branding in the locker rooms, on scoreboards and rink dasher boards. Soon, there will also be messaging on the Zambonis.
Thank you to our partners at Jack City Fitness and BradyPLUS for investing in the future of ice skating and hockey in the Treasure Valley.